Sharing My Truth
Hi Babes! Hello Darling! Sharing My Truth is a weekly conversation with Mel and Suzie. Unlikely best friends, we are two women from different generations, sharing our uncensored truths. We talk about life, love, relationships, sex and what we have learnt and want to learn. Each week we sit down for a chat about the good, the bad, the ugly, the embarrassing moments, the drama and the down right wild and crazy stuff that happens in life.The truth is we’re all searching for answers, solutions and to make life better, but how do we get there? How do we learn to speak to each other so we can have better relationships with each other and with ourselves? By sharing our truth with you, we hope it helps you get a little closer to your truth.
Wednesday May 03, 2023
The Truth and Lies About Modern Feminism And 50/50 Relationships
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Has modern feminism failed women? What is the truth and the lies about modern feminism? Today we live in a world where there is in fact very little choice for women. For the most part there is no choice, to work, not to work, work part-time. Life, accommodation, food costs require two salaries in most major Western cities. Does anyone have a 50/50 relationship? Is it possible?
What is the truth? Feminism in the 70s fought hard to give women choices and to rid the workplace of misogyny. The misogyny of the past of course still exists but it is not as pervasive as it used to be, but are the choices still there?
It is so hard being a "modern woman" and many women are exhausted trying to be "all things to all people". Are we forcing oppressive expectations on ourselves that not all women want? Have we as women misunderstood the difference between equity and balance in a relationship? Are women today being punished, having to do it all and not being able to? Are we gate keeping certain ideologies, even though we don't actually want them?
Listen to Mel and Suzie and their generational differences are there any?
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Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
The Truth About Micro-Cheating
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
This week's episode is about micro-cheating. Is it a thing? Mel and Suzie talk about where the line is with cheating. Is there a line, is it defined or does it move? Suzie thinks the line is very grey. For Mel it's much more clear. If you are talking to someone online it's about intent. If you are talking to someone in an amorous or sexual manner and your partner does not know, is that cheating? What is your intent if you are speaking to someone online?
Mel and Suzie share a story from one of their listeners. The story is about cheating and admitting to the cheating. If you admit to it, is that enough? Of course, the reality is that saying "sorry" does not mean that it didn't happen! Sorry does not mean it goes away. Sorry is just that "sorry". You have to do a lot more to repair the collateral damage that lives on.
Mel's facts look at the warning signs if a partner is cheating. Is macro-cheating a thing or have Mel and Suzie created a new term?
What do you think? Do you have a clear line about cheating?
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Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
The Truth About Fantasies
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
This week Mel and Suzie talk about fantasies. What are they? Does everyone have them? Fantasies can be sexual or romantic or both, most people have them. Women fantasize as much as men, they just fantasize about different things. Also women's fantasies will depend on where they are in their monthly cycle. Did you know that?
Mel and Suzie talk about removing the judgement and pushing the needle on the shame dial. Also if you want to share your fantasies with your partner do, but if there are some which are just for you, that is ok too. If you have a new and different fantasy and you suddenly share it after years of being together, your partner may be surprised. It goes back to communicating!
There are some funny stories, some interesting facts and definitely some humour in this episode. They talk about the broad range of fantasies and what the main categories are. Most of us have fantasies that stay fantasies and they can differ a lot from our actual sexual lifestyle. Don't "freak out", it does not mean anything. Sex is meant to be fun, pleasurable, relaxing, and not a performance. Fantasies are meant to be fun and most of them stay right there in fantasy land!
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Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Help! I’m Married With Children, But I Think I Am In Love With A Woman
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Listen to this week's episode of Sharing My Truth. Mel and Suzie discuss "a write in". A listener shares their story of being happily married to a man and they have children together, but she has fallen for a woman. Should she follow her head or her heart?
There are lots of big questions here. Mel and Suzie as always see things differently but in the end they do come up with some ideas. How do you tell your husband of many years that you may be bisexual, without completely destroying him?
Are women more sexually fluid that men? Why would you be heterosexual all your life and then fall for women? Are you bisexual, bi-curious, maybe you never had the opportunity to experiment and explore your sexuality? Is it that you are going through something in your life and this women you have strong feelings for is more able to empathize?
There is no "absolute" answer to this. Everyone is different. Every person’s feelings and desires are unique, we are all searching for something different. We all need something different.
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Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
The Truth About Voyeurism, Reality TV and Road Head
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
We live in a voyeuristic world. We use social media to view other people's lives. What is our fascination as a culture at looking from the outside in, but no one knows we are watching?
Watching someone without their consent for sexual arousal is illegal and obviously very creepy. Mel tells a story of a creepy guy who watched and called her in her 20s. It was horrible. But what do we call just being "nosy" and always wanting to see what other people do, eat, say, and where they go?
Do you think our society is obsessed with peeping into other people's lives? Reality TV is surely just that? It's not fiction, it's meant to be real,and we are fascinated.
Social Media platforms have meant we are always people watching. Do you think it's a problem?
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Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
The Truth About Monogamy and Polyamory
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Monogamy is a relationship with only one partner at a time. Many modern relationships are still monogamous and arguably it is still the societal norm. Polyamory is the complete reverse. It is a open or non-monogamous relationship that follows certain guidelines.
Although polyamorous relationships are becoming more accepted, we still have a long way to go! There is a huge amount of judgement about anything that is not monogamy. Everyone has an opinion that is often not a positive one.
Mel and Suzie discuss monogamy and polyamory from their different "gen X" and millennial perspectives. Listen to what they think. Although they both agree people should just be aloud to live in the way that makes them happy, Mel thinks that polyamory is complicated. It's different to an open relationship. Having a relationship with one person is hard enough but more than one person at a time in the same relationship, does that work? Sex is one thing, a relationship is a whole other thing.
There is of course no right answer. What works for one person does not for the next. We are all unique in every aspect of our lives.
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Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
The Truth About Libido and Lube
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
In this Episode Mel and Suzie chat about a woman's libido and its ups and downs. How the downs may effect you throughout your life or only at certain specific points. Why do you experience low libido? What causes it, is it normal and can it be fixed? The answer is, it is very common. Most women will experience it in their life due to stress, anxiety, pregnancy, menopause, medical issues, medications and a whole host of other reasons.
Mel and Suzie have an open and honest discussion about low libido and why we don't talk about it. Why do we talk far more about male low libido and take that more seriously? They talk about contraception and how contraception such as the pill or an IUD can affect your hormones.
Women should go to their doctors if low libido is causing them distress. Also only go to a medical professional who is sympathetic and helpful. If they are not go see someone else. You are not damaged as a woman, you are going through change and it is important to understand what is driving your low libido.
Your sex life is a a journey with ups and downs, peaks and troughs. Mel and Suzie talk about how you can get creative with your partner and get into the mood again. Communication is important, patience, creative thinking and of course some lube!
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Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
The Truth About The Female Orgasm
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
The truth about the female orgasm. There is still so much mystery around the "big o". Why are we still so confused by it? Mel thinks its because it is more complicated that the male orgasm. What do you think? It is not finite, it does not work in the same way for every woman and every woman needs something different. Most importantly it does not always happen!
For some women "climax" is simple for others it is a lifetime of discovery. It is not a given that it will happen for you. Many women think it has happened but then the real thing happens and everything changes! At different points in your life one thing works and other times it changes. The reality though is that it is a big stress reliever and can have many health benefits including helping with menstrual pain and menopausal symptoms. Why do we still find it so hard to talk about?
If we don't talk about it, it will remain a little shrouded in mystery and not understood. It is an all body experience and women should feel comfortable and happy to chat about it and ask questions.
Join Mel & Suzie this week for their as always hilarious and honest conversation. We are talking more about the female big "o", it is much more normalized, but we still have a long way to go!
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Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
The Truth About Being Addicted To Excitement
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
What does it mean to be addicted to excitement? Mel and Suzie discuss what that means. Can you be addicted to excitement, the thrill of something? Or is it just simply that you are bored with your life? Are you escaping the mundane, the fear of, "is this it?!"
One of the Sharing My Truth Listeners shares their story of being married for 26 years and loving her husband but she is having an affair with another man and is addicted to the physical side. Mel and Suzie discuss what the listener should do. Should she carry on the affair, should she tell her husband? How do you admit to an affair? How common is it to have an affair? Is having an affair a choice or is it just a human mistake? Is the thrill, the excitement she is feeling from meeting up with this man selfish? These are questions that don't have simple answers. Life is not that easy!
There are no straight forward answers and the listener really has to think about what they want in life. Also who should they tell? Mel warns her to be careful who she speaks to. Find out what she means by that. Think about it all clearly and do not do anything rash, but lying is never a good answer for Mel. It can change your behaviour.
Suzie is more matter of fact. If your husband does not make you happy then leave. But is it really that simple? When you have been married for 26 years your lives, family and emotions are intertwined. Life has its ups and downs and if you love someone you go the distance and don't give up at the first sign of boredom.
Listen to find out what Mel & Suzie say. Do you agree? What would you do?
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Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
The Truth About Pregnancy And Birth
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
This is the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Mel's experience with her 2 pregnancies and births. What is the hardest part about pregnancy and birth? Pregnancy and birth are different for everyone. We talk about expectations versus reality, which differ considerably! What is it like to have a baby? Mel doesn't sugar coat the pain! Her description is terrifying but hilarious.There are some stories that seem funny now but not at the time! The bathtub almost going through her kitchen ceiling while having contractions with her first pregnancy being one!
Mel had her 2 girls in 2 different countries.The experience of pregnancy and birth was very different in the UK and Switzerland. Suzie asks Mel about the negative, the positive and how she knew what to do. The answer is there is no playbook for having children, you figure it out as you go along. Are there things you can figure out first? Is there a perfect age or time to have a baby? What if you don't want a baby?
Mel shares her truth, the good and the bad. She always wanted children but that does not mean that pregnancy or birth went according to plan. Her first birth was very traumatic, but she had a beautiful baby girl. Mel knows that some women want kids and some don't and she feels that you should not be pressured, you should be able to make that choice. Having a baby is "huge" chapter in your life and will change your life and although you are never really prepared you have to want it.
Suzie and Mel talk about post natal depression and how incredibly hard that is. There is so much guilt and we still don't talk about it enough. If you feel differently to the way you think you should or how society feels you should feel about being a mother, you judge yourself and others judge you!
Mel's children are the light or her life, having children has helped her heal from her own traumatic childhood. She still recognizes that it's hard and not for every woman.
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